4 Dimensions of Wellbeing: Your Key to Thriving Abroad

Living abroad is more than logistics—it’s about creating a balanced life. Discover how to nurture physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing for a fulfilling expat experience.

Maayan & Gal Founders of Smoozitive

Monday, January 13, 2025

Moving abroad sounds glamorous, doesn’t it? Pictures of weekend getaways, exploring new cultures, and sipping cappuccinos (not after 11 AM—unless you want to confuse an Italian) in charming cafés make it look like the ultimate dream. And sometimes, it really is.

But behind those picture-perfect moments lies a less-photographed reality: life abroad.

Relocating isn’t just about moving to a new country—it’s about building a whole new life there.

And by life we mean every little detail of it… We’re talking about everything from the moment you wake up, brushing your teeth, emptying the dishwasher (if you’re lucky to have one, those small european apartments don’t always have a space for it), to learning how to navigate public transportation while catching a whiff of someone’s intense perfume (hopefully, a good one).

It’s the little things—getting lost on the way to work, improvising dinner because the grocery store doesn’t carry your favorite ingredients, and trying to explain cultural differences to your colleagues.

By the time you finally settle on the couch with a cup of tea, exhausted but grateful, you realize... It’s only Wednesday.

The Overlooked Side of Relocation

What we’ve learned—after more moves than we care to count—is that relocation isn’t just logistics.

Most of us spend endless hours planning practical details—visas, apartments, schools—but barely give a thought to our wellbeing.

Yet, the secret to not just surviving but thriving abroad lies in taking care of your mind, body, and soul when everything around you feels unfamiliar.

We know this because we’ve been there. We’ve cried into our suitcase while packing for yet another move, felt high of trying something new and the low of feeling like we might never truly “belong”, and through it all, we’ve learned that the secret to not just surviving but thriving abroad lies in taking care of your whole self and your wellbeing.

Research highlights that wellbeing is built on four main pillars—physical, mental, emotional, and social health.

Let’s break each one down and explore how you can keep them strong while creating a life you love abroad.

1. Physical Wellbeing: Keep Your Body Strong (and Sanity Intact)

Why It Matters:
Your physical health is like the foundation of a house—if it’s shaky, everything else feels off. And when you’re abroad, keeping it steady can be tricky.

The Reality Abroad:

  • The food is different—that’s a fact. Finding familiar ingredients may be a challenge, and nutritional changes can have a big impact.
  • Your step count skyrockets… mostly because you keep getting lost.
  • You’re always too hot or too cold because you didn’t pack the right coat for the climate.

How to Boost It:

  • Learn the Food Scene – Experiment with local produce and dishes—it’s healthier (and more fun) than stress-eating imported snacks.
  • Listen to Your Body - Pay attention to changes in your skin, sleep, and mood. Your body is adapting, so be kind to yourself.
  • Start Your Days with Movement – Whether it’s stretching, a proper workout, or dancing to your favorite tunes, a little physical activity will boost your energy and improve your mood.

2. Mental Wellbeing: Staying Positive When Everything Feels New​

Why It Matters:
Living abroad is a crash course in adaptability, but constant change can wear you down. Things that used to take 10 min and would have used your ‘auto-pilot’ function, suddenly require a lot of energy, hence the common sense of tiredness and exhaustion. Mental health is about giving yourself the tools to cope with the rollercoaster.

The Reality Abroad:

  • You’ve spent 20 minutes googling “how to pay the electricity bill” and now your brain hurts.
  • You’re simultaneously amazed by and terrified of the cultural differences.
  • Decision fatigue is real, and suddenly even choosing toothpaste feels overwhelming.

How to Boost It:

  • Meditate or Journal – Don’t worry; no one’s judging your “Dear Diary” moment. Writing down your thoughts can help clear mental clutter. (Because we’re paper-lovers, we created this great selection of journals and notebooks you can order here.)
  • Find Your Calm Zone – Whether it’s a local park, beach, or coffee shop, create a go-to spot to unwind.
  • Embrace Learning Curves – Celebrate small wins, like surviving your first solo grocery run without needing Google Translate (too much).

3. Emotional Wellbeing: Learning To Surf Those Waves With Confidence​

Why It Matters:
Living abroad stirs up emotions—excitement, loneliness, pride, joy, fear, frustration and more—all at once. It’s normal, natural and human (yay you are human!) learning to navigate those emotions, and not letting it get you off balance too much, takes practice.

The Reality Abroad:

  • You’re torn between missing “home” and loving your new life abroad—and sometimes you miss both places at the same time.
  • The tiniest inconveniences (like not finding your favorite brand of peanut butter) feel oddly personal.
  • You’re switching from ‘super proud’ to ‘failure’ in a split of a second

How to Boost It:

  • Practice Self-Compassion - treat yourself the way you would treat someone you really really like (not to mention, love). All emotions are valid and important for our wellbeing. Give them the space to be, and be compassionate with yourself when those waves arrive at shore.
  • Do more of what makes you feel good - find those ‘cup filler’ activities, and schedule them regularly in your calendar.
  • Find Comfort in Rituals – Cook a favorite meal from home or create new traditions in your host country.

Bonus tip - as we love ‘all things emotions related’, understanding it deeper and finding interesting approaches to dealing with the whole range of emotions - it doesn’t come by surprise that we are big fans! Of the movie Inside Out by Pixar (both the first, and the second!). If you haven’t watched it, or need some reminder, or are anything like us and want a good ‘calm moment tonight’ - watch it. It’s that good!

4. Social Wellbeing: A Sense Of Belonging Mixed Up With A Supportive Tribe

Why It Matters:
Whether you’re moving on your own, with a partner or a family, loneliness can sneak up on you when you least expect it. Building meaningful connections, and a positive support group helps you feel grounded and know that you’re not alone on this journey.

A couple of years ago, we first heard this fabulous speech by Oprah Winfrey to young graduates, and what she says about the importance of the people you surround yourself is just so well said, that we highly recommend you check it out - listen especially to the part after minute 21 ;) 

The Reality Abroad:

  • Making friends as an adult can feel like dating—unfamiliar, awkward and slightly terrifying.
  • Group activities sound fun, but introducing yourself for the 10th time this month is exhausting (and not all connections actually develop into something more, which question the point of even making the effort)
  • Your stable support group isn’t always supportive, making everything even more challenging.

How to Boost It:

  • Say Yes More Often – Go to that meetup or join that cooking class, even if you’re nervous. The best connections often start with a leap of faith. But choose things you actually like doing (going back to the ‘do more of what makes you feel good’. This way, even if you haven’t met your new bestie - you had a great time and this will stay as a positive experience, rather than a task).
  • Be Patient – Friendships take time to build, you didn’t become best friends after 1 coffee together with your friend from back home, right? so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t happen overnight.
  • Accept the Change and Appreciate the Existing - not all friendships will make it long distance, and that’s fine (even if tough, we know) you can still be extremely grateful for the moments you once had, those friendship that fade-away, are freeing some space for new ones in the current country - which is essential to build a sense of integration and belonging. In parallel, appreciate the relationships that go the distance and invest time in nurturing those connections that are good for you and your well being.

Living abroad is about more than the perfect rental, mastering the language and figuring our the health system—it’s about building a life that feels rich, balanced, and fulfilling. And to do that, you need to nurture all four dimensions of wellbeing.

​Yes, there will be days when you feel out of place or overwhelmed, but those moments are part of the growth process. With the right mindset (and sometimes a little humor) you can turn the challenges of expat life into great opportunities - or memories.

Maayan & Gal Founders of Smoozitive

​Among other things they are dreamers, doers, sisters and of course living abroad. ​They strongly believe that moving and living abroad can and should be the experience we dream of rather than the one we fear. They dedicated their business (and their time and energy) to make sure that happens for as many people as possible. Smoozitive is where you start creating a life you actually enjoy living, no matter where you are.

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